Hobby King 20A ESC 3A UBEC (Flashed with SimonK or BLHeli)

80 S.R

Constant Current: 20A
Burst Current: 25A
Battery: 2-4S Lipoly / 5-12s NiXX
BEC: 5v / 3A
Motor Type: Sensorless Brushless
Size: 54 x 26 11mm
Weight: 30g



Flashed with your choice of SimonK or BLHeli latest firmware (this is a bullet proof esc for multirotors once its flashed, original firmware isn’t that good with multirotors due its low sensitivity to throttle changes. flashing it solves this issue.

Battery Type: Lipo
Voltage Protection: Off as recommended for multirotors
Timing: Adjustable with BlHeli computer software, Fixed with SimonK

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